Mercure Amsterdam City - Surroundings


Amsterdam is an exceptional city to visit. The city has a characteristic atmosphere and a liberal nature. Remarkable is that although Amsterdam is the largest city in The Netherlands and has a real cosmopolitan character it is actually quite small and all attractions are within cycling distance. So don’t forget to rent your bicycle at the Front Office of the hotel and explore the city like a true Dutchie!

Everyone knows Amsterdam for its canals, merchant houses, coffee shops and open prostitution. The city also has a rich history which took shape mostly in the ‘Golden age’, the 17th century was the high point in the History of the Dutch painting. Another well-known figure from the Dutch history is Anne Frank the symbol of the Holocaust. Anne was fifteen years old when her hiding place was betrayed. Her diary, which she wrote during the period she was hiding,  is sold over more than thirty million times worldwide. Nowadays the Dutch are famous for their practical, simple and recognizable design.


All of this can be discovered in the museums in Amsterdam. We have listed some you have to visit:


Rijksmuseum (National Museum)

The Stedelijk Museum (the City Museum)

The Rembrandthuis Museum 

The van Gogh Museum 

Anne Frank house

Mercure Amsterdam Cityaddress

Joan Muyskenweg 10, 1096 CJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 207219176
Fax:+31 20/6948735


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